Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Award Time! Liebster Award

Hi Lovelies! It's been a while since I've done one of these, but I was super excited (and extremely honored) when I got the notification that Sashka from My Beauty Memoirs presented me this award!

Sashka is a law student who has an up and coming blog that is full of nail stuff, hauls, reviews, and even some juice cleansing fun!:) You should definitely check out her blog!

Now, this award is super simple. You just give it to bloggers that you love that have less than 200 followers. It's to help those girls out and increase their readership! So really, it does more for other people than for you, and isn't what this whole thing is all about? :)

So, I'm going to do something a little different! Instead of giving it to my fabulous beauty blogger friends (who already know I heart them;) I'm going to give this to three non-beauty bloggers that I believe complete deserve the recognition!

I know all of these girls in real life and they have all been the bestest of friends to me at different points in my life. Sadly, I don't live near any of them any more, but they are still super wonderful and you should definitely check out their blogs!

Emily and Woodsy View


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