So, it's no secret, I'm kind of a book worm. I've pretty much loved reading since before I could even read myself. I spent a lot of time with my Grama when I was young and she was always reading to me. I could practically quote whole books because we'd read them so many times (the little Golden Books; not like I was quoting Shakespeare LOL).
Anyway, when I could read on my own I was reading anything and everything! Road signs, cereal boxes, lol. I loved words! I loved books! I'd read the Boxcar Children books... The Baby Sitter Club Little Sister books then the Baby Sitter Club series...
In my later years (ha, my twenties) I'm pretty much immersed in chick lit. Specifically British Chick Lit. Sophie Kinsella is my absolute fave and I adore Gemma Townley.
I often scroll through the Amazon 100 Free Kindle books just to see what's out there (it's typically classics and smut lol. You know the really trashy (but not completely unenjoyable;) romance novels) Last week, Talli Roland's Build A Man was for free. As much as people say "don't judge a book by its cover" I do;) And I was pretty sure I'd enjoy this one.
The premise is that Serenity Holland moved from Maine to England in hopes of becoming a tabloid reporter and living the big London life! She gets a job working at a cosmetic surgeon's office and ends up dating and moving in with the doctor--Peter Lycett. When a nice looking fellow named Jeremy Ritchie comes into the office looking to have several operations to make him into the man he thinks women wants, Serenity decides to pitch the idea of writing a column about him to one of the local tabloid magazines.
When the online column is picked up, she goes undercover to get the scoop on Jeremy's life--digs up some info about his past and why he wants such drastic changes. She changes names and is sure that confidentiality will be at its highest. But as the events unfold, Serenity will get more than she ever planned.
Okay, the summary is pretty shallow and stereotypical--and that's exactly what drew me in. Reading to me is an escape from the real world. I want something light and airy and funny that will entertain me and just make me feel good:) When I started reading, I thought I had the whole story figured out... she'd write the story, Jeremy would figure it out and hate her... and she'd be left broken.
I'm not going to spoil the story for you, but it really didn't go exactly as I thought it would (and that's a good thing;) Along the way, we're introduced to Kirsty and Tim--Serenity's BFF from Maine who also moved to London. Kirsty is the kind of girl who has every bit of her life planned out. So when she discovers she's pregnant and Tim proposes, she's suddenly thrown into stress and confusion wondering if you get what you thought you always wanted, what happens if you're not sure you really want it anymore..
Those same thoughts go through Serenity's mind as she's working on the Build a Man column... here she is working as a tabloid writer.. going to launch parties.. but at what expense? To expose someone she's just getting to know? Is it really worth it?
Talli did a great job creating characters that are totally relatable. There were parts of both Kirsty and Serenity that I could see in myself. Don't we all sometimes get to a point of trying to figure out what we want; wondering if it's what we really want; as well as wondering if there's something (or someone) more out there. There were even parts of Jeremy I could relate to--when feeling rejection, I want to go and change everything because clearly there must be something wrong.
It was a super easy, fun, quick read that I would definitely recommend. You can get it for 99 cents at Amazon (and you don't need a Kindle to read it!) But one lucky reader will be able to get it for free! I am able to loan it one time, and I'm going to share it with one of you! (when I loan it, it will be delivered to your email address. Once you download it, you will have it for two weeks before its returned to me.) I'm going to make this a super easy giveaway! All you need to do is follow me either via Google Friend Connect, HelloCotton, Bloglovin, Facebook, or Twitter. Leave a comment below telling me where you follow me, what your display name is, and your email address. On Wednesday, June 27, I'll select a winner at random and send you the book!
Have you read any good books lately? Who are some of your favorite authors?

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