I had been hearing about "Scentsy" products for a while, and I'm pretty sure I was the LAST PERSON IN THE WORLD (slight exaggeration) to actually buy a Scentsy product. It's not that I didn't want to, I just had never been invited to a Scentsy party or approached by a Scentsy consultant before. (this is kinda surprising, 'cause I'm pretty sure I've been to nearly every other "home party" type company;)
Anyway, when I was at a little convention thing at the State Fairgrounds, I saw a Scentsy display. Everything was so pretty! And it smelled delicious!! I wanted so badly to buy something, but I really wasn't sure what I wanted. Or how it worked. Or really anything about the company at all. So! I did some homework, and the second day of the convention, I knew what was up:)
If you're like me, and not totally sure of what it's all about, let me give you a quick rundown. As already mentioned, Scentsy is a run-your-own-business company that allows individuals to become consultants and sell the products online, at parties, and as vendors at public events like the one I was attending. Their products consist mostly of "warmers" to put the wax bars in... wax melts and smells A-MAZ-ING.
It is such an amazing concept! Especially for people who are in dorms or aparments where you're really not supposed to light candles (fire hazards!) you can get the same scent as a candle, without the flame! The warmers are electric, so when you plug them in the have a special little light bulb that lights up the warmer and melts the wax (genius, I tell you!). When you're done using it, just turn it off; the wax hardens; and is ready to be melted again the next time you turn it on! Don't want that scent any more? Just scrape it out and throw a new one in.
I was totally sold on the concept. So that next day, I marched (okay, I walked) right up to Jennifer Baukus's booth and exclaimed (well, said) "I want to buy something!"
So I got the Doodlebud Warmer ($30) and the Vanilla Cream Scentsy Bar ($5). And I absolutely fell in love.
not shown to scale. obviously it's not as big as the warmer lol |
I can't even begin to tell you how much money I wasted spent on candles before I found Scentsy. I had expensive candles, cheap candles, nice candles, blah candles... and eventually they would all melt down, burn up, whatever. Scentsy is like the candle that keeps on going.. and going.. and going...
Needless to say, I will definitely be purchasing some more! Right now the warmer is in my bed room, but I want one for my living room, my dining room, my guest room, my craft room... lol you get the idea. And I want a lot more bars so I can switch up the scents or have different aromas for different rooms!
I won't be buying from just any Scentsy consultant--my go to woman now is Jennifer Baukus! She was such a sweetheart when I bought it from her, she even threw in this little spatula thing to help me scoop out the used wax! And her assistant (a.k.a. her husband;) did a fabulous job in supporting her and making sure I got the latest catalogues in my bag.
The good news is, I'm willing to share my Scentsy consultant! In fact, I encourage you to go check out her site and see everything Scentsy has to offer! (I only scratched the surface with allllll the products they have!) I know the money you put down for the warmer at first is a bit much, but the bars are soooo cheap I promise in the long run it will save all the money you've spent on candles in probably your whole lifetime!:)
So what are you waiting for??? Head over and say hi to Jennifer! Tell her I sent you and have a look around her store and pick some things out!!
(*note, all items were purchased with my own money; all pictures are from the Scentsy website)
P.S. You may notice that Jennifer is also my FIRST SPONSOR! Yay!! So you can always find her link, over to the left at the top of my sidebar;)

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