Monday, February 13, 2012

Guest Post: Beauty by Arielle's Hair Tips

I have something special for you all! Arielle of Beauty by Arielle and I are doing a blog swap today! She's posting for me here, and I'm writing over at her blog. Make sure you check it out:) 
xoxo, Kristen

I want to thank Kristen for participating in this blog swap with me today! I am very excited to share this post on hair washing with all of you!
We all wash our hair on a daily basis and have done so for years, so why do we need tips on it? Good question. I thought I for sure had this beauty ritual down. Wrong

About a year ago I was listening to Cosmo Radio and they had a guest who was talking about hair care tips. What I discovered was that there is the wrong way to shampoo your hair!

The only area shampoo should be lathered into is the scalp not throughout all of the hair. When you rinse there will be enough shampoo to run down the rest of your hair and effectively clean the rest. Shampooing all of your hair will dry out the ends.

The amount of shampoo is important as well. For longer hair, the size of a quarter is enough. As the length decreases so should the shampoo amount. 
This  is a great tip I learned from a hairstylist. When you use the same shampoo day to day and week to week it tends to build up in your hair. Switching shampoos on a weekly basis will prevent this build up from happening. For example, week 1 use favorite shampoo 1 on week 2 use favorite shampoo 2. Then, switch back and forth. The stylist pointed out that this tactic is especially good for color treated hair. 

A shampoo I like to use are the John Frieda Brilliant color lines:

I think this line is especially great for color treated hair! 
On to conditioner...again there is a wrong way to do this! The same hair guru on Cosmo Radio said to never condition your scalp.

image via Recipes for Life
Conditioning the roots will only weigh your hair down. The only strands that need conditioning are from the point where you would make a low ponytail to the ends. Also, leave conditioner on for a minute before rinsing so it can penetrate into the follicles. 

To keep your hair hydrated one to two times a week use a deep conditioner. I love L'oréal EverPure Deep Restorative Masque:
image via Real Beauty

When I bleached my hair, I'm a brunette, I used this conditioner twice a week and it left my locks nice and soft. This conditioner is safe for color treated hair and the rosemary mint smells fantastic! 
Do you have any hair tips you swear by?

Arielle is the author and creator of Beauty by Arielle. You can find her blog here. Her blog is devoted to all things beauty related. She features product reviews, hauls, tutorials, tips, fitness, fashion and food. Arielle also hosts a monthly guest blogger series. If you wish to participate you can e-mail her at . You can also follow her via Google Friend Connect by clicking here.


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