Thursday, June 14, 2012

Nail Challenge Week 24: Flag Nails

Ladies and Gentlemen of the USA ~ Happy Flag Day!!!! In honor of today's day (Thank you, Betsy Ross for designing an awesome flag), I have American Flags on my nails! This actually wasn't my first time doing flag nails... last 4th of July I attempted them as well.
Insert Star-Spangled Banner music here.... lol

So, how did they get to that point? Well, after OPI Base Coat, I did two coats of Sinful Colors GoGo Girl (still my favorite red polish to date).
Once it dried, I used CoverGirl Blue You (which, p.s. I got for $.25 at a yard sale;) to do the top corners over the red. I used two coats of this also to make sure the red was completely covered.
Even the colors just like this look pretty fun;) But after MORE dry time, then it was time to do the stars and stripes! I used my Sally Hansen Nail Art pen in Pearly White (it's too bad I accidentally picked that one up a couple months ago. I think plain white would've had more dramatic lines)
And finally! I used my Migi Nail art pens (yay!) I couldn't draw whole stars, so I just made dots (which honestly, if you're looking at a flag in the distance, don't they kinda look like dots??;)
There you have it! Hope you have a simply amazing flag day!! Even if you aren't an American;) What other flags would be fun to put on your nails? Canadian? Australian? Italian? :)


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